NHN KCP Magento 2 Payment extension


SKU: 1123 Category:


New for 2024 – updated to the new KCP API method

Introducing NHN KCP: A Premier Payment Gateway Solution for Adobe Commerce

We are delighted to announce the integration of NHN KCP, a top-tier online payment gateway, into our Adobe Commerce solution. As one of the most renowned payment gateways in Korea, NHN KCP facilitates seamless and secure transactions for over 100,000 active accounts, processing an astounding 300 billion KRW each month.

Our collaboration with NHN KCP brings a comprehensive range of payment options to Adobe Commerce, including credit cards, bank transfers, virtual accounts, gift cards, and mobile billing. Moreover, the inclusion of in-store VAN payment services makes this integration an ideal choice for businesses seeking to expand into the Korean market with both online and physical locations.

Enhance your customer experience and streamline your business operations by choosing NHN KCP as your trusted payment gateway for Adobe Commerce.

Highlighting Key Features of Our NHN KCP Extension for Adobe Commerce

Experience an array of remarkable features with our NHN KCP extension for Adobe Commerce, designed to cater to your diverse payment needs:

  1. Comprehensive Payment Options:
    • Korean Card payments
    • Virtual Bank payments
    • Direct Bank transfers
    • NaverPay
    • Payco
    • TossPay
    • Apple Pay
  2. Full Escrow Support:
    Essential for Naver Shopping listing compliance.
  3. Refund Flexibility:
    Execute full and partial refunds via Credit memo.
  4. Test Mode Configuration:
    Ensure seamless payment processing by running tests before implementation.
  5. Enhanced User Experience:
    • English mode on checkout option
    • Fully Mobile and Desktop compatible
  6. Customisable Payment Plans:
    • Payment instalment configuration
    • Detailed instalment – Set monthly instalment amounts for each Card provider
  7. Additional Benefits:
    • Enable Coupons on KCP payment screen

Competitive Payment Pricing:
KCP processing fees starts 3.20% per transaction. For businesses with higher transaction volumes, we offer the possibility of even lower fees. Please contact us for more details.

Our NHN KCP Extension Advantage: By choosing our direct integration with NHN KCP, you gain access to a wider array of features and more competitive rates compared to other alternatives like Adyen’s Korean Cards payment method. Additionally, our direct support and full flexibility provide a seamless, hassle-free payment experience for your business.

The NHN KCP extension for Adobe Commerce not only offers an array of exceptional features and competitive pricing but also includes comprehensive support services for a seamless experience:

  • Full merchant account application support in both English and Korean, ensuring a smooth onboarding process.
  • A thorough website audit, assessing compliance with Korean e-commerce legal requirements to protect your business interests.
  • Payment testing, allowing you to verify the functionality and reliability of the payment gateway before implementation.

Choose our NHN KCP extension for a complete, end-to-end payment solution that caters to your business needs in the Korean market.


Frequently Asked Questions

Will the extension receive consistent support for new Magento2 versions, as Magento updates every season?

Absolutely! The purchase of our extension includes lifetime updates and support, ensuring compatibility with future Magento2 versions.

Is the fee for the extension charged annually or as a one-time payment?

The fee for our extension is a one-time purchase, with no recurring charges.

If there are issues with KCP, can you provide assistance or help in contacting KCP?

Yes, we are technical solution partners with KCP and have maintained a close working relationship for several years. We will gladly provide assistance and facilitate communication with KCP in case of any issues.

Can you provide examples of stores using this extension?

One prominent client utilizing our extension is Dyson. They have been using our extension for two years and counting. Additionally, we have implemented numerous custom updates for their Magento store, ensuring a tailored solution to fit their needs.


Adobe Commerce Cloud Supported 2.3 – 2.4.7
Magento CE 2.3 – 2.4.7


[1.4.7] – 2024-06-20


  • Update to get store id from order to avoid error when refund on cron

[1.4.6] – 2024-06-14


  • Remove external lib
  • Update API Method

[1.4.5] – 2024-06-12


  • Fix mobile return 404
  • Change passparse to password field
  • Code clean up

[1.2.4] – 2023-04-15


  • Fix refunded amount calculation – support for adjusted refund amount

[1.2.3] – 2023-04-05


  • add post-install-cmd to ppl_cli
  • set all pg options active to off


  • convertEncodeToUtf8() array

[1.1.6] – 2022-11-21


  • add conditions for coupon apply based on product attribute
  • encoded pay request urls / removed order ids
  • new loading payment page design pay_page.html
  • if discounted price do no apply coupon flag

Technical notes:

The ports 8090 and 8100 should be open to incoming and outgoing connections for:
포트 8090 과 8100은 반드시 아래에 대한 인/아웃 커넥션이 오픈되어 있어야 합니다:
paygw.kcp.co.kr   testpaygw.kcp.co.kr
smpay.kcp.co.kr:443/80  devpggw.kcp.co.kr

*연동모듈 사용을 위해서는 SWD고객으로 등록되어야 하니 국내사업자 정보로 먼저 연락 부탁드립니다.